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Discussion 8_History of United States

Discussion 8_History of United States

Q The US Constitution has proven to be one of the most significant legal documents in world history. This week, I want you to reflect on the importance of the Constitution in defining the early republic. How does the Constitution reflect American ideals, values, and (of course) the challenges facing the new nation? What do the proceedings tell us about those who wrote the Constitution and the problems facing the United States at the end of the eighteenth century?

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The United States faced a large number of problems as a new nation. There were thirteen colonies at that time and they claimed their independence from the oppressive authority of the British government and once they did that they build an organized framework to create a government that will keep these thirteen nation states together. However, the Articles of Confederation failed to be an organized document. It had many shortcomings specifically related to finance and military. There was no strong federal government, the Congress had no power to tax and they were depended on states for the budget. This limited authority became the reason for people to demand stability and made way for the framing of the Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation.